How to search and buy a domain name (Domain Regstration) at the cheapest cost in the market?

May 30, 2022

Domain prices from the source that is sponsored by ICANN The cost of registration and tax is fixed for all domains, but the types of domains (names) are divided into 2-3 sections mostly

(Premium - Regular - Private)

The regular domain is what you are looking for at the standard, official price. As for the premium domain, it is a unique or distinctive name or contains a few characters that is easy to read, and its price from the source is expensive in addition to the provider’s commission. As for the private domain, it is a type It is not only expensive, but it needs additional information or conditions, or it can only be purchased for the owners of the country “citizens”, for example, in a country such as Turkey, you can not get a .tr domain except by registering a company and then submitting company papers from within the country and you may not get a domain. tr but on a side domain “Sub Domain” in the event that your company’s jurisdiction or inclusion within a certain list such as commercial, non-governmental, governmental, etc…

The common denominator here is that Providers get or create big discounts on some domains in order to gain new customers through the search results, which will return to them in the end. Instead of spending money on the promotional side, they benefit users with the same marketing promotion money through discounts.

Now we will come to the way that we get a regular domain is simply by using a site that does a periodic check for all domain registration service providers and offers the cheapest price to you with the source according to three cases

(First time registration - transfer - long-term purchase of 3 years or more)

All you have to do is go to the site Then, searching for what you want will give you results according to the cheapest provider in the market with the coupon that you provide.


Please note that the site also benefits 😉 through the referral links that it will refer you to, meaning that the process is here ( You are a beneficiary at a cheap price 🥳 - the service owner is a beneficiary 🤑- the provider is a beneficiary 🤑) And here is the mechanism that made the three parties happy is by exploiting the advertising and promotion budget of the provider to be a discount for you in return for that You are searching About the service and it is not what appears to you, from our side through our project in the Arab agent, we wish all suppliers and business owners who are looking for new customers and more sales with happy customers to implement this strategy, which is to reduce the cost of the product instead of increasing the price of the product and spending it on marketing campaigns only , There are many groups and platforms that you will be next to marketing your services when you make a real discount for the last customer.

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